Photo by Alek Olson

How to rewrite your story and help you out of deeply ingrained mechanisms and thought patterns. What that means to me (so far).

 Stock Photograph by Alek Olson, Unsplash.



For so long I’ve been hearing about “rewriting your own story” but I always I though that was lame…and the reason is because I couldn’t understand  it, I didn’t know how to do it in a heartfelt way. I also didn’t want to go there yet…

Until I made peace with the fact that feeling like a victim means that there are things you need to heal in order to reclaim your power. And as long as you assume your responsibility in doing your own healing work and forgive yourself, by all means you need to experience those feelings!.

So this is what came up when I finally got the guts to re-write my own story: By listing all the negative things my dysfunctional family and ex-partner taught me (intentionally or not), and flipping the language to their extreme opposite.

  • Your personal power is NOT transferable to “the next person” (aka, those who you try to please).You are more than capable to make the decisions that feel right to you.
  • Your own expectations (of yourself or others) will never match the expectations others have of you, because we all have different perspectives and different priorities in life.
  • Speaking out is NOT a form of disrespect when you are honoring your energy, your values and personal boundaries.
  • My intuition tells me where and when to find the best opportunities for me to shine and grow into improved versions of myself, while feeling safe.
  • No one is ever going to get to know you better than yourself - not even those involved in your closest relationship. They just get a perception of you that is conditioned and measured by their own values. So work on getting to get to know you better!.


      This is a list of steps I came up with. You are free to do it in the best way you feel and honors your beliefs, values and resources.


      In a special place, light a candle (or turn your infuser on, or put some music on), and ask your protectors, guides or guardians (your angels, spirit guides, or any high spiritual authority you believe in) to join you in this moment.

      Tell them you will be working on revising the possible roots to your current coping mechanisms, outdated beliefs and thoughts that don’t let you move on and you are ready to let go of.

      Ask them to hold a safe space for you while you do this activity. Tell them there will be negative emotions or memories you are ready to acknowledge and let go of, and that you need their help in taking those energies out of your field for their own healing and transmutation.

      (this helps keep these energies or emotions from manifesting into further negativity).


      Write down all the conditionings, the ways you reacted during those situations. Basically, the bigger things you needed to do in order to cope and stay safe during those experiences.

      Write them just as you feel them, in all their negativity. Give yourself permission to feel angry or sad, or disappointed. Feel what you need to feel.

      Feeling angry or sad means there is something that matters to you. And although anger and sadness are low vibrations, they can help you jump onto the much higher frequencies of willingness and acceptance.


      Change the wording of those “lessons” to their complete opposite. The one rule: it has to have a positive connotation.


      Give thanks to your higher guidance for their assistance during this moment. You can tell them again (or if you didn’t do so before) to please take all the negativity you released today with them, for its own healing and transformation into positive energy.

      We are in this world to shine our light high and bright. We have inherent gifts we can use as our own navigational, guiding system, to help us thrive and achieve the things we desire the most. Being an empathetic human being doesn’t make you vulnerable, it makes you powerful. Remember that.

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