Crystals for the October 2024 Energies, according to my Higher Guidance

Crystals for the October 2024 Energies, according to my Higher Guidance

I wanted to make a crystal set specifically for the 2024 Halloween/Samhain, but after consulting with my Guides I realized that none of the typical Halloween Crystals were being suggested by them. 

To my surprise, the crystals that came up in our session were more related to the feminine Divine Archetype than anything else. After revising the list I've got (from my Guides) against my minerals books, I realized this selection was not random at all. These crystals could not only be related to the Halloween / Samhain days, but to the entire month of October. 


2024 has been so far a year of growing (political, social, economical, etc.) tensions and conflicts. A year of imminent change and uncertainty. But it has also been a year during which the feminine archetype has been taking an increasingly more important role in humanity and the collective.  


October 2024 is a month during which the energies across the veil become more accessible to us, peaking up towards the end of the month with the Halloween, Samhain, and Día de Los Muertos celebrations.

During this month, as the veil thins, it is important to us to stay open to receiving Higher Guidance from our Divine Aspect, our Guides, our Teachers and even our Loved Ones. There is wisdom, new codes, and upgrades readily accessible for us. But it is also important to protect our energies from more dense, external influences.


This selection of crystals honors the energies of October 2024, with a special focus on the Feminine Divine, The Moon, The Earth, and the Triple Goddess: The Maiden, The Mother, and The Crone.

It is time to embrace the qualities of the Feminine Archetype: intuition, understanding, creativity, collaboration, acceptance, compassion, empathy, nature- connection. Polarity no longer can be sustainable in this world, and a more balanced perspective needs to be integrated into our cultures and societies. 

Let's be open to new learnings, to positive change and transformation. 

Let's learn to remain hopeful and optimistic in the face of chaos. 



Landscape Quartz | Shaman Garden Quartz:

This mineral helps releasing fears while inspiring connection with nature. It guards against malevolent spirits. A great companion for lucid dreaming and to help you “see” through the veil.


Emerald in Matrix:

Emerald is a stone with the energies of Mother Earth and the Heart Chakra. A stone to connect with Nature and all living things. Emerald protects against nightmares and psychic attacks. It inspires harmony and balance within our inner aspects, and helps building courage among women in environments where they are considered inferior.



Attracts good fortune and prosperity. Protective and Grounding. Inspires positivity and optimism. A stone of self-empowerment, courage and leadership.


Peach Moonstone:

Moonstone is a stone of the Feminine Divine. Peach moonstone relates to the sacral chakra, our energy center for creativity, joy for life, and creation. Peach moonstone can help with creativity, motivation, and new ventures. This stone can be a great companion for women entrepreneurs, or women working in male-biased workplaces. It supports a positive self-image by helping us accept ourselves, and doing the things that truly give us joy and sense of fulfillment.


Smoky Quartz:

Transmutes negative energy into positive. Protects from negative earthy energies or spirits. Calms anxiety and panic attacks. Offers EMF protection. A companion for astral travel and Mother Earth rituals.


Snowflake Obsidian:

Clears mind clutter and feelings of stagnation we sometimes experience when a change is needed and we are still figuring things out. Encourages cooperation and team work. Used as a charm against the negativity from difficult situations. A stone for new beginnings, change and transformation. Protects your energy from psychic attacks and toxic people.


Want these crystals? 

See the Crystal Set at the Crystal Shop

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